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  • This site has always offered free Chinese learning materials for people who are keen to learn Chinese from all over the world.
  • offers multiple ways to build your brand and get your message to my large and loyal readership. Ad buys are sold on a per month or per year period using PayPal subscription service.
  • Text Link Ads
    The Text Link Ads is a link within the Ads block on the right-hand side. You can have long description when mouse over on the link.
    Current Price: USD 70 for 1 year
  • Terms & Condition
    1) 1 month equals to 30 days. 1 year equals to 12 months.
    2) Porno, gambling, violence, or any immoral sites are not allowed.
    3) Payment made before the ads is live.
    4) Duration will be started after the ads is live.
    5) Payment through Paypal/Stripe, currency in US Dollar.

  • How To Get Started
    If you are interested, please click here to contact me.